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Mike Garcia Introduces Bill to Repeal SALT Deduction Cap

 Representative Mike Garcia (R-Santa Clarita) introduced his first piece of legislation, the State and Local Tax (SALT) Fairness Act, H.R. 202, which would repeal the State and Local Tax (SALT) deduction cap created in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. Since day one, one of Garcia’s top priorities in Congress has been repealing the SALT deduction cap.

“One of my top priorities in Congress from day one has been to repeal the SALT deduction cap, which is why the first bill I am introducing in Congress would repeal the deduction cap,” said Garcia. “In recent years, we have seen a record number of California residents flee the state due to suffocating high property taxes, unaffordable energy costs, and sky-high living costs. California residents are suffering immensely because of the liberal policies coming out of Sacramento. While I am a strong proponent of cutting taxes, the simple fact is we can’t wait any longer to act. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 made progress in many ways, but the cap it put on SALT deductions was not one of them. The fact is, Californians are being unfairly punished by this $10,000 cap on SALT deductions. California’s high state and local tax rates combined with this cap are taking their toll on hardworking men and women. While this bill would greatly help Californians by removing the SALT deduction cap, I will continue to advocate for needed tax cuts. I am happy and willing to work with anyone from any political party to deliver tax relief for my constituents, and I will continue fighting for residents of CA-25 to be able to keep more of their hard earned money.”

Click here for a video message from Rep. Garcia on The SALT Fairness Act.


Rep. Garcia walks to drop off his first bill, H.R.  202.


  • The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA) included a State and Local Tax (SALT) deduction cap at $10,000.
  • This bill would repeal the SALT deduction cap.
  • This bill would benefit hardworking Americans who live in states like California and New York that are punished by ridiculously high tax rates combined with the SALT deduction cap.