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Jobs and the Economy

Rep. Mike Garcia Honored with U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Advocate for American Business Award

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WASHINGTON, D.C. — Representative Mike Garcia (CA-27) has been honored with the Advocate for American Business award from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Rep. Garcia received the award from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce at the Chatsworth/Porter Ranch Chamber of Commerce’s 22nd Annual State of the Community luncheon, recognizing his leadership and bipartisan efforts to support job…

Rep. Garcia Introduces Bill to End Wasteful High-Speed Rail Spending

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Mike Garcia (CA-27) has introduced H.R. 9308, the "No Frankenrail Act," to put an end to the misuse of federal funds on high-speed rail projects that have been nothing but a black hole for taxpayer dollars. This bill aims to cut off funding for any high-speed rail project that hasn't laid a single mile of track after a decade of federal…

National Retail Federation Names Rep. Mike Garcia 2024 ‘Hero of Main Street’

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Washington, D.C. – Representative Mike Garcia (CA-27) was recognized as a 2024 “Hero of Main Street” by the National Retail Federation (NRF) for his strong support of local retailers through legislative action and leadership.  “I am honored to receive the 'Hero of Main Street' award from the National Retail Federation,” said Rep. Garcia. “Small businesses are critical…

Feeling the Pinch of SALT

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Californians continue to face the highest costs of living and pay some of the highest taxes nationwide. This financial burden is the product of bad economic policies coming from Sacramento and record-high inflation over the past few years.

Rep. Mike Garcia Issues Statement Following Vote on Limit, Save, Grow Act

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Today, Representative Mike Garcia (CA-27) issued the following statement after the House voted to pass the Limit, Save, Grow Act: “The Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023 is a step in the right direction for ending the bad spending habits that we have seen in Congress during the last three years. This bill includes $4.8 trillion in savings, claws back billions of unspent COVID dollars, lowers…