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Mike Garcia Co-Sponsors bill to Prohibit Federal Funding of CA High-Speed Rail

Representative Mike Garcia (CA-25) sponsored the Stop the High Speed Money Pit Act, which would prohibit the use of Federal financial assistance for certain high-speed rail development projects in the State of California.

Today, Representative Mike Garcia (CA-25) sponsored the Stop the High Speed Money Pit Act, which would prohibit the use of Federal financial assistance for certain high-speed rail development projects in the State of California. The bill was first introduced by Rep. Michelle Steel (CA-48).  

“Our nation currently has $27 trillion in debt, which is a real threat to our nation’s security,” said Garcia. “This debt is only going to increase if Congress continues to carelessly throw money at liberals’ pet projects. There are many pressing issues in the State of California that Congress should support and work to improve, but funding the state’s high-speed rail project should not fall to the federal government. California taxpayers have already been hurt by the state’s endless failures building this train to nowhere. It is abundantly clear that this Obama-era project is a failure. We must allocate our funding more productively. As an appropriator in Congress, I will fight to ensure that Congress is appropriating funds to support commonsense improvements in California and America, not funding a train to nowhere.”

You can view the full text of the bill here.