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Mike Garcia Cosponsors Bill to Protect Family-Owned Businesses

Mike Garcia Cosponsors Bill to Protect Family-Owned Businesses

WASHINGTON, D.C.- Representative Mike Garcia (CA-25) released a statement after he co-sponsored the Death Tax Repeal Act. This bill would provide certainty and relief to any family-owned businesses, farms, and ranches from being hit by the hefty tax that occurs if a loved one dies. 

“Californians are already taxed excessively and the last thing they need is to be punished by another tax when a family member dies,” said Garcia. “Repealing the unfair Death Tax will ensure that family-owned small businesses can continue to improve and grow a family business after a loved one dies, rather than suffer a high tax for the loss. I am happy to co-sponsor the Death Tax Repeal Act because it helps to ensure that family-owned businesses and farms are allowed to thrive instead of their family being burdened with heavy taxes.”

The Death Tax Repeal Act would fully repeal the unfair estate and generation-skipping transfer taxes, more commonly known as the death tax.