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Mike Garcia Fights to Stop IRS Surveillance of Americans’ Bank Accounts

Co-sponsors Prohibiting IRS Financial Surveillance Act

Representative Mike Garcia (CA-25) co-sponsored the Prohibiting IRS Financial Surveillance Act, H.R. 5586.
Representative Mike Garcia (CA-25) co-sponsored the Prohibiting IRS Financial Surveillance Act, H.R. 5586. This legislation would protect Americans’ private financial information by prohibiting the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) from implementing any new reporting requirements for banks or other financial institutions. The bill comes as a result of the Democrats' 'Reconciliation' Package that includes a provision allowing the IRS to monitor all bank transactions over $600. 
“The Biden administration’s proposal to have the IRS monitor all bank transactions over $600 is a threat to Americans’ privacy,” said Garcia. “This action would allow the IRS to snoop on our small businesses, families, and hardworking taxpayers. I am proud to cosponsor the Prohibiting IRS Financial Surveillance Act to prevent this overreaching surveillance program and protect Americans’ privacy.”

The Prohibiting IRS Financial Surveillance Act would prohibit the Secretary of the Department of Treasury from enacting new rules that would require financial institutions to report the inflow and outflows of citizens’ accounts while keeping existing legislation in place. 
In addition to co-sponsoring the Prohibiting IRS Financial Surveillance Act, Garcia sent a letter to U.S. Department of Treasury Secretary Yellen urging the department to drop this proposal that would allow the IRS to expand the amount of financial data collected on virtually every American.
Garcia is a member of the House Committee on Appropriations, which is responsible for appropriating federal funding. 
Click here to read the text of the bill. 
Click here to read the text of the letter.