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MEDIA ADVISORY: Mike Garcia Holds Virtual Discussions on the Paycheck Protection Program

Open to CA-25 Small Business Owners and Administrators

Representative Mike Garcia (R-Santa Clarita) will be holding three virtual discussions on the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).
Next week, Representative Mike Garcia (R-Santa Clarita) will be holding three virtual discussions on the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). The discussions are open to small business owners and administrators in California’s 25th District. Garcia will be joined by a senior policy expert from the House Small Business Committee, the committee that helped create and now oversees the implementation of the PPP. Representative Blaine Luetkemeyer, the Ranking Member of the House Small Business Committee will also join during the conversation on January 29th.  

“Far too many small businesses in California’s 25th District have been financially harmed by the government-mandated lockdowns,” said Garcia. “The Paycheck Protection Program has helped many Small Businesses in California and across America survive during these trying times. I am pleased Congress was able to refund and reopen this program. I look forward to hearing from Small Business owners and administrators in the district to learn what is working, what isn’t working, and answer any questions they may have. I am committed to doing all I can to ensure that our community combats and recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic and that we can safely and quickly open up.” 

During the discussion, Garcia and the policy expert from the U.S. House Small Business Committee will deliver a review and update on the PPP and then open it up to questions from local small businesses owners and administrators. Garcia recently voted to provide additional funding to the PPP, which as result reopened earlier this month. Prior to Congress reauthorizing the program, the Small Business Administration (SBA) distributed over $525 billion to over 5,400 lenders across America. 

Interested CA-25 Small Business Owners and Administrators must RSVP to Chelsea Orzechowski at by COB the day prior to the discussion they wish to attend in order to receive the link to the virtual discussion. When RSVPing please provide the name of who will be joining the call and the business you represent. 

Interested media must RSVP to Molly Jenkins at by COB the day prior to the discussion they wish to attend in order to receive the link to the virtual discussion. When RSVPing please provide the name and media outlet of who will be joining the call. The call will be on the record and media may use video from the call. Due to time restraints and in order to answer as many constituent questions as possible, we ask that media submit any questions directly to Molly Jenkins following the call. 


Antelope Valley Discussion on PPP 
WHO: Rep. Mike Garcia, policy expert from U.S. House Small Business Committee, small business owners and administrators from Antelope Valley 
WHAT: Virtual Discussion on PPP   
WHERE: via webinar 
WHEN: Wednesday, January 27th at 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm PT 

Simi Valley Discussion on PPP 
WHO: Rep. Mike Garcia, policy expert from U.S. House Small Business Committee, small business owners and administrators from Simi Valley 
WHAT: Virtual Discussion on PPP   
WHERE: via webinar 
WHEN: Thursday, January 28th at 9:00 am - 10:00 am PT 

Santa Clarita Valley Discussion on PPP 
WHO: Rep. Mike Garcia, U.S. House Small Business Committee Ranking Member Luetkemeyer, policy expert from U.S. House Small Business Committee, small business owners and administrators from Santa Clarita Valley  
WHAT: Virtual Discussion on PPP   
WHERE: via webinar 
WHEN: Thursday, January 28th at 11:00 am - 12:00 pm PT 

Constituents who are not small business owners or administrators are welcome to call the office of Representative Garcia at (661) 568-4855 or contact him via email here with any questions or concerns they have regarding COVID-19 economic relief or other issues with a federal agency.