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Mike Garcia: ‘We must make sure that our country doesn’t turn into California’

Talks About California Policies with Breitbart News

Representative Mike Garcia (CA-25) spoke with Breitbart News’ Alex Marlow about the current state of California and his priorities for the 117th Congress. Garcia’s comments come in response to the Biden administration using California’s failed policies as the blueprint for national policies.

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Representative Mike Garcia (CA-25) spoke with Breitbart News’ Alex Marlow about the current state of California and his priorities for the 117th Congress. Garcia’s comments come in response to the Biden administration using California’s failed policies as the blueprint for national policies.

Garcia highlighted that while California is a beautiful state with great people, many of the state’s policies are not working and implementing them at the federal level would be a mistake. 

“Our state is too good to give up on. We have all these natural resources, beautiful weather, beautiful geography, great people, resources that most states would die for, but we’re being driven into the ground by politicians in Sacramento, and in this case, we’re starting to upload the problem from California to the national level,” said Garcia.

He also discussed the issues that many people in his district are facing because of failed California policies.

“They’re just trying to survive. They’re living in a state, right now, where they’ve got some of the highest taxes in the nation, some of the highest regulations, they are not able to get their kids back in school because of Governor Newsom’s actions. Very arbitrary and capricious mandates coming out of the Governor’s office that are just frankly making our lives very, very difficult and dangerous to navigate,” said Garcia. 

Garcia emphasized that in a one-year period California has seen a mass exodus of around 134,000 residents fleeing to other states. He said that the mass exodus is causing major issues within the district due to it being underpinned by contractors such as Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and Boeing and their entire supply chain. 

“When you see a president take office and threatening to cut military spending, not only is it  jeopardizing the warfighter and compromising their tactical advantages, but it’s also threatening our economy,” said Garcia.
He concluded the interview, stating, “[We must] make sure that our country doesn’t turn into California."
You can read the full story and listen to the full interview here.