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Rep. Garcia’s Bill to Honor Local Veteran and Hero Signed into Law by President Biden

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Representative Mike Garcia’s (CA-27) legislation to rename the Valencia Post Office at 24355 Creekside Road to the “William L. Reynolds Post Office Building” was officially signed into law by President Biden. This significant recognition commemorates Bill Reynolds, a true American hero and revered figure in the Santa Clarita community.

“Bill Reynolds was a decorated Vietnam war veteran, staunch advocate for veterans and military families, and dear friend,” said Rep. Garcia. “The impact of his relentless efforts to support our veterans are immeasurable and felt well beyond the borders of CA-27. It’s with profound respect that our post office is dedicated in his name, ensuring his legacy continues to influence and inspire all of us within the community he loved.”

“It’s such an honor to have Bill’s name be forever a part of Santa Clarita, the city he tirelessly dedicated so much of his time to ensure our veterans and fallen heroes are never forgotten,” said Meg Reynolds. “On behalf of the Reynolds family and from the bottom of our hearts, thank you for this truly incredible honor.”
The unanimous bipartisan support for H.R. 292 demonstrates widespread respect and admiration for Bill Reynolds’ courage and lifelong dedication to the nation. In a time marked by stark political division, it was inspiring to witness both Democrats and Republicans unite in support of honoring a man who epitomized the pinnacle of American valor and empathy. All in all, not a single member of Congress voted against bestowing this honor on Mr. Reynolds.  
Renaming the Valencia Post Office as the “William L. Reynolds Post Office Building” is more than symbolic – it’s a fitting tribute to his selflessness and dedication. As we celebrate this dedication, we’re reminded to uphold the spirit of service that Mr. Reynolds exemplified.