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Organizations Nationwide Endorse Rep. Mike Garcia's Veterans Benefits Continuity and Accountability Bill

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Mike Garcia (CA-27) introduced the Veterans Benefits Continuity and Accountability Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2024. This critical legislation fully funds the VA’s request for supplemental funding, addressing a $2.883 billion budget shortfall at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Without immediate action, the benefits of over 7 million veterans will be disrupted due to the severe fiscal mismanagement within the VA itself.

The VA's failure to properly manage its budget has left the department facing an unprecedented shortfall. Without Congressional action, veterans' benefits due on October 1st are at risk. Rep. Garcia’s bill ensures not only that veterans continue to receive their earned benefits, but also includes essential oversight and financial accountability measures to prevent future mismanagement.

The Veterans Benefits Continuity and Accountability Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2024 will: 

  • Provide the VA with the necessary supplemental funding to cover the $2.883 billion shortfall.

  • Implement rigorous oversight measures to ensure accountability and transparency within the VA.

  • Guarantee veterans will not suffer from the VA’s fiscal mismanagement and that their benefits are safeguarded.

Organizations across the nation, including several from CA-27, have recognized the importance of this legislation. These groups have voiced their strong support for Rep. Garcia’s bill, underscoring the need for swift Congressional action to prevent a disruption in veterans' benefits:

“In mid-July, VA reported to Congress that it expected to be nearly $3 billion short in appropriations to close out fiscal year 2024 which would mean benefits payments would not be delivered. Veterans who are on a fixed income rely on these timely payments to ensure that they can keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. Veterans should not have to pay the price for budgetary miscalculations. The VFW is grateful that Representatives Garcia, Cole, Carter, Valadao, and Bost have stepped up to provide a solution to this problem, and we look forward to working with them to ensure this does not happen again in the future.”—Pat Murray, Legislative Director, Veterans of Foreign Wars 

“The County of Los Angeles realizes the importance of this legislation, and that H.R. 9468 ensures veterans continue to receive their benefits payments without interruption or delay, which could otherwise impact the ability of veterans, their caregivers and survivors to pay for needed services and basic necessities. More specifically, the MVA assess that without emergency supplemental appropriations, more than 68,000 veterans in the County of Los Angeles are at risk of not receiving the benefits they rely on which total approximately $319.7 million each month…..I appreciate [Rep. Garcia’s] leadership on this critical issue and thank [Rep. Garcia] in advance for [his] commitment to our veterans.”—Jim Zenner, Director of Military and Veterans Affairs, County of Los Angeles

"Veterans should never have their financial security put at risk by late payments from the Department of Veterans Affairs for benefits they have earned.  Wounded Warrior Project is proud to support the Veterans Benefits Continuity and Accountability Supplemental Appropriations Act to ensure that the Veterans Benefits Administration has the resources it needs to meet its obligations to veterans and can keep the promise."—Jose Ramos, Vice President, Wounded Warrior Project

“Antelope Valley College is proud to currently serve about 200 of our nation's heroes who make up an important part of our student body,” said Dr. Jennifer Zellet, Superintendent/President of the Antelope Valley Community College District. “Our Student Veterans rely on their GI Bill benefits to pursue their education and right now, those benefits are under threat. I urge Congress to act fast and pass Rep. Garcia’s Veterans Benefits Continuity and Accountability Act to stop this funding shortfall. We’re grateful to Rep. Garcia for stepping up and introducing this critical bill to protect the benefits our students earned through their service.”—Alejandro Guzmán, Director of Public Information, Antelope Valley College

“The student-veterans enrolled at College of the Canyons collectively receive approximately $3 million in annual benefits payments from the VA. They count on their benefits to stay enrolled and continue working on obtaining the degrees or training that enable them to successfully transition from the military to new civilian careers. We appreciate Congressman Garcia’s leadership in taking urgent action to address the funding gap and ensure veterans benefit payments continue without interruption."—Dr. David Andrus, J.D., President, College of the Canyons

“Vietnam Veterans of America strongly supports the passage of this bill to continue funding for our veterans and families. We urge all representatives who support veterans to also support this critical legislation.”—James McCormick, Executive Director, Vietnam Veterans of America

“The Veterans Benefits Continuity and Accountability Supplemental Appropriations Act takes critical steps forward to ensure the Department of Veterans Affairs’ multi-billion dollar shortfall does not happen again. Funding and benefit gaps are unacceptable to us and the veterans we serve, and Congress must continue to hold the VA accountable for the excessive spending, potential waste, and ineffective programs that put us in this position.”—Joe Chenelly, National Executive Director, AMVETS  

“Disabled veterans, their caregivers and families rely on VA disability compensation, but because of budget shortfalls these payments are at risk of not being paid starting in October. Any disruption to this earned benefit can be devastating to these families, many of whom are living lives without margin. That is why The Independence Fund calls on Congress to quickly pass H.R. 9468.”—Sarah Verardo, CEO, The Independence Fund

"On behalf of our 1.6 million dues-paying members, The American Legion proudly supports H.R. 9468, the Veterans Benefits Continuity and Accountability Supplemental Appropriations Act. This critical legislation addresses the $3 billion shortfall in disability compensation and pension benefits for our veterans, while holding the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) accountable by requiring a report detailing how VA will prevent future shortfalls. We applaud Congressman Mike Garcia’s leadership on this, and we urge Congress to swiftly pass this bill and send it to the President's desk without delay. Further postponement will erode trust in our government and exacerbate the financial hardship faced by our veteran community.”—James A. LaCoursiere, National Commander, The American Legion 

“This bill addresses the budget shortfall at the VA that has recently come to light. CVA recognizes the need to keep operations at the VA funded in order to ensure that patients within the VA’s health care system continue to receive continued critical health care. It is unacceptable that a lack of basic fiscal responsibility has endangered our nation’s veterans’ wellbeing. This bill covers the recent shortfall while providing for the desperately needed robust oversight of the VA's budget process.Spending accountability at the VA is long overdue, and it is unfortunate that lack of responsibility there puts veterans at risk.”—Sarah Shriver Smothers, Communications Director, Concerned Veterans for America

“We have an obligation to ensure veterans, their eligible family members, and survivors receive the VA benefits they have earned. Congress must do everything in its power to fulfill the nation’s obligation to them. Rep. Garcia’s Veterans Benefits Continuity and Accountability Supplemental Appropriations Act  would ensure VA has the necessary funds so that those who have born the battle will continue to receive their VA benefits on time.”—Heather Ansley, Chief Policy Officer, Paralyzed Veterans of America

"Jewish War Veterans supports the VBA Supplemental for approximately $3B. Millions of veterans and their families rely on these earned benefits each month to make ends meet, and many cannot afford to delay these payments even one day. The bill's passage provides mandatory funding to support veterans’ pensions and benefits for the remaining months of the current fiscal year. Veterans and their beneficiaries should not be put at risk in receiving VA disability compensation and other benefits."—Gary Ginsburg, US Army, Retired, JMV National Commander 2024-2025, Jewish War Veterans of the USA



Jewish War Veterans supports the VBA Supplemental for approximately $3B. Millions of veterans and their families rely on these earned benefits each month to make ends meet, and many cannot afford to delay these payments even one day. The bill's passage provides mandatory funding to support veterans’ pensions and benefits for the remaining months of the current fiscal year. Veterans and their beneficiaries should not be put at risk in receiving VA disability compensation and other benefits.—Jewish War Veterans in the USA