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Mike Garcia Pushes for Continued Sanctions on Iranian Leaders

Cosponsors The Restoring Maximum Pressure on Iranian Terrorists Act

Representative Mike Garcia (CA-25) cosponsored the Restoring Maximum Pressure on Iranian Terrorists Act which would codify into law sanctions placed on top Iranian officials in 2019 under Executive Order 13876.
Representative Mike Garcia (CA-25) cosponsored the Restoring Maximum Pressure on Iranian Terrorists Act which would codify into law sanctions placed on top Iranian officials in 2019 under Executive Order 13876. These sanctions would target Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei of Iran, his office, and anyone who “materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for” these individuals.
This legislation comes after the Biden administration signaled they would lift these sanctions on top Iranian officials as a part of the new Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). 
“As Russia continues their violent invasion of Ukraine and the slaughter of innocent civilians, Iran continues to provide them with the oil to do so. Meanwhile, the Biden administration continues to move forward with JCPOA discussions with Russia and Iran. This agreement will not only help Russia and Iran— it will hurt America,” said Garcia. “This is why I cosponsored the Restoring Maximum Pressure on Iranian Terrorists Act, which would ensure that top Iranian officials continue to be held accountable for their actions. If the President won’t stand up to our foreign adversaries, then Congress must. American security must be made a priority now more than ever.” 
This legislation would codify the sanctions listed under Executive Order 13876 into law, and expand them to include the following: 
1. Ensure that those helping targeted persons evade sanctions would also be punished under International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA) authorities.
2. Ensure that all those sanctioned since the EO’s promulgation continue to remain sanctioned.
Click here to read the text of the bill.
Click here to read more about Garcia’s efforts on National Security.