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Mike Garcia’s Military Spouse Licensing Relief Act Passes the House

Representative Mike Garcia’s (CA-25) Military Spouse Licensing Relief Act passed through the House as a part of H.R. 7939, the “Student Veteran Emergency Relief Act of 2022.”
Today, Representative Mike Garcia’s (CA-25) Military Spouse Licensing Relief Act passed through the House as a part of H.R. 7939, the “Student Veteran Emergency Relief Act of 2022.” This legislative package includes Garcia’s bill which gives military spouses with a valid professional license in one state reciprocity in another state where their spouse is stationed on military orders.

“I am pleased that my colleagues came together in a bipartisan manner to pass the Military Spouse Licensing Relief Act,” said Garcia. “Spousal employment has consistently been the single largest issue affecting servicemember retention. This bill makes it easier for military spouses to retain employment by eliminating the costly and burdensome process of acquiring a new professional license every time a military spouse must move on military orders. This legislation is a win for servicemembers and their families by allowing these heroes to enjoy dual income households like the rest of us. My bill is also a win for the surrounding communities, bringing in additional professionals and revenue for key jobs.”

Garcia urges his colleagues in the Senate to swiftly pass this important legislation to support our military families.

Click here to learn more about Garcia’s Military Spouse Licensing Relief Act.

Click here to read Garcia’s op-ed in support of the Military Spouse Licensing Relief Act.