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Jobs and the Economy

Newsmax: GOP Introduces Bill to Ban Inflation-Causing Legislation

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Newsmax By. Charles Kim To read the article click here. Republicans in both the House and Senate have introduced a bill that would ban legislation that is estimated to raise inflation until the rate drops below 4.5%. On the House side, the bill, known as the Inflation Prevention Act, was introduced Thursday by Rep. Mike Garcia, R-Calif. ''All across America, hardworking…

Mike Garcia Introduces Bill to Combat Inflationary Spending

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Sign Inflation Bill

Representative Mike Garcia (R-CA) introduced the Inflation Prevention Act (IPA) that would help combat inflationary spending. Americans are facing increasing costs of consumer goods because of record government spending over the last two years. In December, consumer prices rose by 7 percent, a nearly 40-year high. This bill would bar legislation that would be estimated to increase…

Mike Garcia Discusses Inflation, Getting Americans Back to Work

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Representative Mike Garcia (CA-25) joined CNBC’s Squawk Box to discuss the need for the federal government stop burdensome regulations and mandates and instead lower taxes and allow businesses to grow and thrive.   “What the federal government needs to do is enable small businesses, large businesses, and taxpayers to get back to work and continue to grow so they gain confidence…

ICYMI: Mike Garcia Addresses Source of Inflation In CA-25

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The Washington Post highlighted the rising prices overshadowing the economy’s strength in Santa Clarita, California, located in Representative Mike Garcia’s 25th Congressional District. Compared to last October, consumer prices have jumped more than six percent.    You can read the full article here or read the highlights below.   The Washington Post In one…

The Washington Post: In one California city, rising prices overshadow economy’s strength, spelling trouble for Democrats

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The Washington Post By. Erica Werner To read the full article click here. A 29-year-old hairdresser is weighing how much more to charge clients because of her rising costs. A 53-year-old property inspector could cancel family jaunts to scenic Monterey because gas is so expensive. And a 63-year-old power plant worker was so startled by the price of bread at the supermarket that he…

Mike Garcia Discusses Supply Chain Crisis on Fox Business

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Representative Mike Garcia joined Varney & Co. on Fox Business to discuss the growing supply chain crisis and how California’s failed policies have contributed to the backlog of containers in the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.    Garcia started by highlighting how California’s failed policies, such as AB 5, have majorly contributed to the supply chain…